Monday, April 12, 2010

Purple Mountain Majesties to Amber Waves of Grain

The United States is the third largest country in the world. Driving your car across high snow capped mountains, through flat corn fields, sagebrush and plains that were once underwater, and became a tropical jungle hundreds of millions of years ago after the inland sea receded to become the Great Salt Lake, into swamps and groves, across hundreds of miles of sandy desert, windy roads along purling rivers and ancient hills, the great highways that span the entire length of the country, with billions of white dashes and thousands of miles of yellow lanes and divots on the side of the road to alert you that you’re drifting onto the shoulder, the truck stops and small motels, the cities and suburbs, the green road signs with white letters that reflect nacreous light during evening, lakes and forests, oak and elm lined streets quiet with Americana, flags waving, farms with tractors churning, and finally arriving at your destination, can be an overwhelming experience.

Car transport companies make your life a little easier, whether you’re looking for car transport Florida or you’e moving from L.A. and you need auto transport California. Car transport companies can make moving a little less stressful.

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